Welcome Survivor!

It's amazing you have made it this far ! Congratulations ! These are dangerous times, and every survivor means more hope for humanity.

Anyway, you aren't here to listen to someone state the obvious. Please examine the following links and read whatever pertains to you. This is of the utmost importance if you hope to survive (which means play here) ! First it's highly recommended that you read the general rules. They are enforced by the civilian government.

[General Rules] [Rules for things that you drive or fly] [Rules for home or base building.]

Remember this is a player-oriented PVE server. You may not kill others, steal property including vehicles, or do things which cause grief to others. That's right, griefers away! There are a lot of other servers where you can raid and kill people if that happens to be your thing. More power to you, but do it somewhere else.